Duck starts: Do you hope for an afterlife?
So, say at the end of life, you are given two choices: you can either die, your existence fading into black, and thats it. Nothing. Basically like it was before you were born, just total absence of anything.
Or, go onto an afterlife of some sort. Not necessarily a hell, but also not just total heaven where you get to get high forever and fuck mad bitches blah blah blah....more like reincarnation into a similar life of love and strife. Maybe as some alien lizard or something. My point is, not full on torture but not full on bliss.
I personally think I would choose the first, to just fade into nothingness. I love life and have really enjoyed it, but I truly don't know if I would want to do it over again. Im sure this could likely change when Im closer to dying...
then i have a go:
Do i hope there's an afterlife ? > yes, provided that i can check out at some point
Do i think that there is an afterlife ? no, silly - like where we're you before you were you ?