When I first started at a clinic, I got a week's worth of takehomes after my first 60 days, but that's only because I got a travel hardship exemption (which had to be approved by the DEA, I think). In my experience, clinics have become more strict since then (about ten years ago). My clinic now only allows for weekly takehomes, if you were on monthlies you're grandfathered in, but if you fuck up, you lose them. I would say it's probably too good to be true, or the receptionist just didn't know what they were talking about (or it could be you misunderstood them), or it's a sales pitch/bait and switch. I guess it wouldn't hurt to see, though, there are clinics out there that are lax with the regulations. It's pretty stupid to go to such a clinic because you never know if or when they'll get shut down, but if you have the option of more than one clinic, you could try it out.