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Author Topic: The Horror W/D Stories-let's go haunting again ;)  (Read 27081 times)

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Re: The Horror W/D Stories-let's go haunting again ;)
« Reply #29 from previous page: August 19, 2017, 05:17:01 AM »'s always fascinated me just how resourceful one can become when one needs to get right ASAP...

That's always been a constant source of amazement to me, as well - I've often wondered that if we could harness that drive and possibly autism hyper-focus at the same time, we'd probably have colonies on Mars by now...
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Re: The Horror W/D Stories-let's go haunting again ;)
« Reply #30 on: August 19, 2017, 05:44:14 AM »'s always fascinated me just how resourceful one can become when one needs to get right ASAP...

That's always been a constant source of amazement to me, as well - I've often wondered that if we could harness that drive and possibly autism hyper-focus at the same time, we'd probably have colonies on Mars by now...

Opiate users are, for the most part, simply highly motivated intelligent and sensitive individuals who are either running away from pain (the damaged) or running towards (more) pleasure (the hedonist).

OTOH, Meth users tend to be lazy, selfish, low on ethics, greedy and deceitful. I keep away from them despite being one. Too many head fucks.

There is something about opiates that builds character and through withdrawal, strength.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 05:59:21 AM by chipper »
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Re: The Horror W/D Stories-let's go haunting again ;)
« Reply #31 on: August 19, 2017, 09:58:39 AM »
Good  story BigNasty

I really think opiate users for long periods of time come to realize and deal with wd and heartache on a weekly basis at least for most. I would say 50% of opiate users wake up with no medicine each morning. That is just a guess.
But we know how bad the wd is. It is not like coke ex or even meth. It is downright scary. In opiate wd except for the lucky ones you will not sleep for at least 10 days. Now I a have not been 10 days off dope or methadone I believe too many friends.
Just read this thread. I have a high doubt Joseph or BigNasty is lying on how  bad it was.

Its downrigtht fucked up,
Just hope I can fend for myself or have enough money for folks to help if need be,
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Re: The Horror W/D Stories-let's go haunting again ;)
« Reply #32 on: August 19, 2017, 10:11:18 AM »
@onewayonly   hey, thanks I appreciate it. It was almost cathartic for me to write it down/talk about it. I'd guess you probably had enough sub in your system to not w/d, even with 10 days..I was in there 2 months from December 20-Feb. 20 and I didn't start hurting until around dec 27th..But then again, sometimes you do get that proverbial "free lunch", yeah? But yeah that doctor man...His tone of voice, the way he talked, all he did was mock and belittle me and say how screwed I was, I really want him to die.

And yup, the stigma is all too real. I'm basically a day laborer, I bust my ass from 830-430 mon-Friday and usually get some hours on the weekend too...And if the bossman ever found out just the FACT I do it, i'd be instantly canned; meanwhile, a guy who works with me drinks around 30-40 beers a fucking day doesn't get anything worse than "yeah man, you should try and cut back sometime"..He's a sweet guy, though, very kind caring dude..Whew, sorry bit of a chatty motherfucker recently, got carried away there.

I hear you. I am glad this board is coming back with new and old members. Opiates are becoming an epidemic so maybe we can change some people lives in the year to come. This is 1 place racism can not be tolerated which makes it great, unfortunately skin heads in VA will try to cause shit while our orange haired fucker says nothing. O yeah Banon is gone the NAZI WE KNEW HE WAS

I hope everyone can find their DOC or a program we deserve. We are citizens,
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Re: The Horror W/D Stories-let's go haunting again ;)
« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2017, 08:46:58 PM »
I have ran across it while my ongoing chasing the extremes.
One of my aquitances told me they (the cops or guards in arrest I guess) did it to him as he got caught in flagranti concocting home made dope and incarcerated, but probably te point is he must have pissed them totally, since he messed with them trying to escape kinda unusual way-he told me, being aware of how paranoid cops are as for needles, HIV, HCV etc., he just grabbed the box full of dirty rigs and just "flung" it right under their feet, kinda "paving" the room between with syringes and needles, and obviously making them completely dumbstruck and aghast, well, kinda... stoned/paralysed.
As they stopped to freak out and hunted him down finally, needless to say, he couldn't really expect a treat. Indeed, they didn't show much compassion as they dealt with this guy.
First off, they (the cops) have beaten the shit out of his ass but good (I do really relish this figuratively, pithy tone of the english slang), then they put him into solitary and let him go CT, what has been in price included, anyway, then some tenderness again, and so alternatively and repetitively.
They also promised him solemnly to "concoct" a civil suit against him (or how it calls) beside he has been formally charged for concocting dope.
Guys must have been really upset and thrilled of this special and rare welcome, as they emerged.
He reported it to continue about 2 days long and of course felt like infinity, but this extra tenderness paradoxically did help him to distort/change the perception of how the time flies.
It took them two days to deal with paperwork plus those "physical exercises", then he was told they realized they did really overkill with this hiding/bludgeoning/thrash or how it calls,
so now they are bothered this exceptional maltreat might get somehow disclosed and they end up burnt as a result, so they want him to get along.
Maybe one decent shot might be able to nullify all that shit and help him to forget what happened to him, excepting of course all those formal charges, that are beyond of any question???
The dude has been like WTF? but gladly agreed, since he was really I mean really sick and tired and fucked up so his so called "free choice" cathegory must have been seriously impaired. Who could blame him?
So well, they bringing all toys into his solitary, a barrel loaded with first hand home made stuff, like 5ml, just enough to get off the egde, deep yellow tone, the guy is bursting at the seams to get there, his eyes flares like inspired,
"Show us your best mainline you use never but for special occasion, your secret entrance "pure white/s only" I'd say, if this beauty weren't one of these mindblowing hot mixed breed' bitches. Show us, you know, where and how you usually register since as established and respected citizens we're going not to hack your dirty veins and playing this junkies hit or miss' game, ok?"
The guy is completely confused and dumbstruck, he barely is able to believe it happens, but since he has splendid veins and High-Speed connection he's rolling up the sleeve, all in rush and frenzied, before they're going to change their mind.
The needle comes in smoothly, just a sigh, the Wild Rose is blooming on the bottom like some exotic bonzai flower.
The cop lays his edgy, boorish finger on the plunger as the guy focuses his look on the interface staring and casting a spell as if he hoped to put that damned plunger in motion telepatically, by some remote controlling or so.
Suddenly, the cop's hand jerks in a semblance of some uncontrolled spasm/seizure and the needle drops out from the vein.
"I'm sorry dude, you can see how fucking unstable my hand is, haha. By the way-did you seriously expect us let you to take off?

I did never find out how is the proportion between truth and fiction in this tale. Probably it's "cut", but good, like some last restort' shit, the result of  cold scoring.
I'm ready to believe the initially episode with needles might be true but the rest sounds like some painful kitschy martyrs shit.
However, this tale is still alive and pretty vivid as a "junkie' urban legend".     

« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 09:04:50 PM by nikita70 »
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A Toda Madre O Un Desmadre


Junkies are like noodles-straight 'til gettin' wet

"Maybe we should follow in the steps of Artonin Artaud and throw our remaining dope in the river,
get flung into gut-wrenching purging withdrawal,drink ayahuasca and eat peyote..." (Roman Totale)

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Re: The Horror W/D Stories-let's go haunting again ;)
« Reply #34 on: September 09, 2017, 03:04:32 AM »
Hehe @nikita70 good read  :)) I agree it sounded plausible up to the part where the  C:-) gave him a shot lol
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Re: The Horror W/D Stories-let's go haunting again ;)
« Reply #35 on: September 23, 2017, 02:37:57 AM »
from r/opiates

Hey guys... looks we have some some seriously competition here^^^

I have mixed feelings, I have to admit...
I do really dig this kNOwagora' unlimited amplifying/dwelling with projectile vomiting on and on ad nauseam (nomen omen  >:D), as a leitmotiv, still even being able to only grasp/comprehend it like fifty-fifty due to the slang, I do wonder whether is this person kinda "dicksize"/brag/overkill or not.
This shit could compare easily with Mel Gibson's, maybe excepting the most disgusting symptoms.  >:D
Honestly, I have no clue if someone is able to develope such an outrageous large sized habit to throw like 28L of fluids or so within 36hours of NON CT kick.

Holy fuck. My withdrawals are shit in comparison obviously..  
this comment beats me with its almost tangible note of grieve and jealousy...

« Last Edit: September 23, 2017, 02:42:47 AM by nikita70 »
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A Toda Madre O Un Desmadre


Junkies are like noodles-straight 'til gettin' wet

"Maybe we should follow in the steps of Artonin Artaud and throw our remaining dope in the river,
get flung into gut-wrenching purging withdrawal,drink ayahuasca and eat peyote..." (Roman Totale)

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Re: The Horror W/D Stories-let's go haunting again ;)
« Reply #36 on: September 24, 2017, 12:40:58 AM »
From my understanding is that opana kicks are the worst "generally speaking" I know everything varies person to persons though
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Re: The Horror W/D Stories-let's go haunting again ;)
« Reply #37 on: September 30, 2017, 08:05:11 AM »

I brewed up a thermos full of pod tea and drove myself to the airport, slogging down the muddy brew as I wove my way through traffic.  Got the airport, got on the plane and noticed I was not feeling the usual relief that comes with a morning dose. I had brewed up from a different strain of pods that day and, as luck would have it, they were extremely weak pods. 

I was so-so most of the day Monday but my sleep that first night was fitful (restless legs, sweats, and drug dreams) and I awoke Tuesday morning in full blown C/T, as I had effectively not had a normal dose since Sunday and that crap tea the day before had done shit for me.  And now, I had to face 3 days of meetings and social events every evening, and a plane ride home, in really bad shape.  C/T at home alone is bad enough, but try doing that when you have to be around a crowd of people and remain "up" from morning to late at night. The agony was unbelievable, my entire body hurt from head to toe, I had the chills but couldn't stop sweating, and my anxiety level was off the charts.  I was in and out of the bathroom all day and my brain was consumed with the need to get SOMETHING, anything, to make it stop.  I tried to distract myself - I'd walk outside to make the chills stop, and the humidity would overwhelm me.  And the smells - jesus, mother, mary, every smell was magnified 1000X (to this day, I cannot stand the smell of hotels because of this one experience).  I had to sit through meetings all day and all I could do was count down the minutes until it was over.  I couldn't even read to distract myself, because I couldn't make my goddam eyes focus (I think the pupils dilate during C/T and cause vision problems). 

The only brief respite came in the evenings.  We had an open bar after dinner and I would tank up on G&T's and that seemed to make the pain recede a tiny bit.  Problem was, the hangovers that followed were far worse than normal.

On Thursday afternoon, my spirits picked up a bit, as things wound down and I expected to be home in a matter of hours, relief would be waiting.  But, no.  I got to the airport, went to the Departures screen, looked up my flight, and saw that one word that nearly made my head explode - DELAYED.  A hurricane warning was in full effect and the weather was deteriorating by the minute.  I thought I was going to go mad. Everyone was frantically calling around, trying to book alternative flights.  Not me, I didn't have the mental cogency or physical energy to do this.  Instead, I went to the bar and just pounded down drinks, hoping to blot out the panic. 

This waiting went on for hours.  Airports are boringly annoying even when you feel well.  When you're sick, they are intolerable hell holes. I watched people with flights scheduled after mine come and go while I just sat there, mopping sweat from my forehead and fantasizing about murdering some motherless fuck airline executive. I just kept staring at that status screen and praying for some sign that our plane would arrive.  It wasn't until nearly midnight that the plane rolled in, and we started boarding.  I ended up sandwiched in a middle seat, covered in a blanket and pouring sweat the whole way home. I got some strange looks from the other passengers. 

I didn't even bother with my luggage, I just raced straight for the pods and the coffee grinder.  The relief from that dose was unforgettable.  It started with those blessed abdominal cramps, the opiates first saturating my gut receptors (for me, always the sign of a nice high), followed by waves of physical and mental relief as the alkaloids moved north and bathed my starved brain receptors.  This was one of the best highs I ever felt, which convinced me that relief highs trump any normal high, even at modest doses.

Man, it was something else, I mean really else..., @FreedomOrBust
I had some serious dilemma what parts of this tale should be saved/quoted since there're not any weak points in it. There's a lot of SORE/painful ones, instead.
Therefore I decided to pick up that ones I identify myself/or symphatize with even deeper than any else, I mean that moves me or appeals to me in the way so even if I haven't been there myself (God, how could I even dare to think I'd have guts enough to make it through?), I am easily able to figure my pitiable self to act or perceive in like manner.

Well, first off, looks you must have pissed off some Opiate' officials and magnats somewhere up there, but  good... as if you had offended them so outrageously, that they have cast such a bad spell on you. ;D

The truth is, I have kind of "mixed feelings" as for the airports. By one hand, airports doesn't feel "boring" to me.
I'd rather say they provide me with some "awe"-type of experiences, I mean ranging from fear, sense of unsecurity and an utter unpredictability, through excitement to finally end up on the intense relief, as I can see my flight eventually displayed on the departure' screen.

I can remember to be attracted by them since I was a kid (my Father has instilled me it, I guess), as there's some special ambience over there, like almost perceptible "promise" or a "forecast" of mysterious distant places, hanging in the air, if you get me...

By the other hand, however, I'm scared to death of the airports, especially these large ones-you might as well fall dead and nobody cares on you as if the single entity meant nothing to nobody in such a huge crowd and mess/confusion.

Plus, the status of addict doesn't help, since airports are real "Interzones", the points of no return-once you enter it, went through the custom clearance (or how the shit calls)-there's practically no way out to you-if it happened things getting wrong then your move is drastically limited. As if you were caught in a trap, no?
Every time I do "part" with my check-in luggage, entrusting my "to be or not to be" medications to the airlines (fucking "authorities" at that), my heart is bleeding and no matter how stoned/anesthetized I am (I used to board the plane with my average dose of opies and benzos multiplied like at least 2x, if not 3x, barely able to bring myself to stand upright, "just in case"), there's still some "note" of fear "oozing" through this "immune barreer", though.

And well, you make me wonder whether I'd be able to "peel" some sick junkie (like you were) out of the crowd of passengers or not, and vice versa-if some CTying poor thing could recognize this monkey on my back.
I damn sure would be intrigued by some next seat' guy/travel mate, whole wrapped in a blanket, freezing for practically no good reason, compulsive sneezing and sweating, without to be able to sit still...
Nice to meet you, I'd say,  >:D, holy shit, such a nasty case of flu, where did you catch it, eh?... But you know, sometimes very little makes a huge difference.
So, be my guest.

I do need to read your other w/d stories really I mean really in-depth, guys.
I did take a briefly look and I know you/they deserve it, every one single tale.
No one should be omitted since all of your stories
(...) plugged me through and through , to say, Dear Mr Cave...

@Joseph Hopeless ,
I'm about to tell I'd never ever be able to make it through, like you were, but the point is there's no choice, regarding you want to get out alive.
I'm sorry for you've been through, what else could I say? I'm "short of words" or maybe words are too tight to convey it.
No one deserves it, maybe excepting the so called docs like this self-righteous individual you mentioned about. 

@chipper ,

I totally get what you mean as for being "TOTAL FUCKING PUSSY" when it comes to opiate w/d.
So I am. I'm a double pussy. PUSSIEST PUSSY, lol. Flat joke.  I'm chickening out as the initially symptoms beginns. Hell, the truth is my life is one fucking mess and any thinkable deprivation on analgesia, the SLEEP involving is beyond of me. I don't even able to foresee so long to get/figure out any physical pain of w/d at this moment.
I'm trying to settle for/hang on/stick on the lowest doses ever, that are able to fix me and keep functionable, "just in case"...




« Last Edit: September 30, 2017, 08:22:50 AM by nikita70 »
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A Toda Madre O Un Desmadre


Junkies are like noodles-straight 'til gettin' wet

"Maybe we should follow in the steps of Artonin Artaud and throw our remaining dope in the river,
get flung into gut-wrenching purging withdrawal,drink ayahuasca and eat peyote..." (Roman Totale)


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