Upon thinking about this topic over the days and trying to get creative, and mind you this would likely be a little painful, but the human hair is approximately 100 microns (1/10 millimeter in diameter) and has usually three layers. The drug is of course in the central one as I understand it, primarily, and it goes without saying that this presents problems. However it also happens that organic compounds undergo significant bond ionization and cission upon absorption of mid to high energy UV radiation. So as ridiculous as this may sound, and this is only a reasonably well thought out hypothesis, knowing the scant but significant penetrating depth of UV radiation (it would cover that radius), a good series of tanning sessions every day just not naked obviously with face protection, and everything but the head shaved, would eventually decompose some of the more complicated drug metabolite molecules (especially considering that even with heavy pot use the metabolites/THC doubtfully make up more than a tiny fraction of a percent of the hair weight, that using a tanning bed while protecting the rest of the well shaved body and while inside continually exposing the maximum amount of hair possible every time (waving with hands, combing up, etc) and repeating every day IMO would stand a good chance of breaking down/altering the structure of the metabolites in enough of an amount so as to be undetectable. The hair wouldn't be in all that great a shape either, but hair can be repaired.
It's mostly keratins and other organic polymers. The outer layer called the cuticle is a "dead" skin essentially and isn't really a single coating but a series of microscopic scales, that can be temporarily unsealed so to speak with strong bleaching treatments. This then exposes the cortex which is the middle layer and where the vast majority of hair pigments are found. And the central layer, called the medulla is very thin, less than 10 microns and is made almost entirely of helical proteins. As we all know or probably do, professional bleaching removes nearly all pigmentation which is in the second (major) layer. It is primarily here and to some extent in the medulla (as this is the "living" part of the hair, or was when it was below the skin line and connected to intradermal systems. The cuticle which is made of oils and proteins as well, is easily made permeable by bleaching products, which then proceed to extract and degrade the pigments. Taking this into account and prior knowledge that hair is permeable by many oils (of which THC is one) I imagine a harsh bleaching procedure be used, the hair is kept slightly alkaline (i.e. basic) and irradiated then soaked heavily in any type of oil i.e. vegetable, cooking, canola, olive, or the special hair treatment oils but fuck them as they have other stuff that is meant to penetrate the car and that would just fuck up the flow of the oily shit one wants gone. So in short my hypothesis is the a good bleaching (to be recolored the day before court) is done and when completed kept basic with a, idk, weak bicarb spray or something and hit the tanning bed. Finally soak it in whatever clean oil probably for at least an hour (THC and most cannabinoids are oily and as such will tend to migrate towards the unadulterated oil). I'd repeat this each day until the hair is virtually colorless i.e. near white, and at this point one has shown all the pigments destroyed, nearly all of which are in the major context layer. I believe this combination of bleaching/base (to open cuticle keratin plates), UV irradiation to promote breakdown of certain molecules at certain rates (people's hair is nearly always lighter in the summer, this is why) and finally the good old oil soak to remove any that are left. I'd repeat as many times as possible until there is the sense the hairs are being destroyed.
Once she has judged completion, make a lemon juice spray (for the citric acid) and generously apply it and comb it in and leave it a few minutes (it will aid in reclosing of the cuticle pieces) and a good dye job after the citric acid is rinsed (not shampooed) out. Apply all the usual dyeing conditioners to return the hair to its original texture and color as best as possible. It is my unproven hypothetical opinion that this rather tedious receptive process would effectively remove nearly all the oily cannabis metabolites. Considering the stakes involved the pain in the butt of doing it is well worth the potential benefit vs. potential loss. Once way you could verify it is take 25 to 50 pieces of hair off, add it to a small bowl of sodium sulfate and DCM, grind the fuck out of it, evaporate the DMC and dissolve what you probably can no longer even see in a very small amount of EtOH/water no more than 1 part EtOH to 10 parts water and add some known to be clean piss to it and pick up one of those $3-5 THC test strip they sell at Walmart etc. This would give conformation or uncertainty, as if THC shown positive it only proves some and maybe all was removed. If negative one can be very uncertain as to whether it was done right or whether there was so little THC that these enzyme linked dip test kits are sucky and insensitive and would likely be too dilute to activate the color releasing enzyme.
So, long story short, after having thought about this situation off and on for quite a bit, I would say within the realm of reality (a regular American woman is not shaving her head bald and removing all body hair ruling out any shaving deception as they will be immensely suspicious and reorder the test/court date. And maybe even hold her until the hearing for the obvious attempt to circumvent the court's order (contempt of court yeah no shit). So as best I can figure out without having dangerous deceptions, sleight of hand, or retro-Sinead O'Connor hair is that this series of treatments would be highly effective, considering what each one does and how they are essentially synergistic in their cleansing and filtering of the hair. I can't back this 100% as I've never done it nor ever heard of it, but from what I do know about science, and hair structure from reading (it should go without saying the chemistry aspect) I actually have a fairly high degree of confidence that this would be successful were she to do it. She would need to grind in the bleaching product, and man up to the burning pain it will produce when it contacts the scalp, so that even the root follicles can be accessed for the oil "extraction" should they actually pull 50 hairs directly out of her scalp. I can't, however, imagine it being done this way, I picture them just cutting several small swatches and just combining them. I would love to try this myself with one of my many buddies providing needed piss, I'd run a THC test myself, and even compare to some hair from before the treatment and see it none, one or both show on the EMIT strip.
I'm not grasping at straws here DAK, just coming up with something that has a legitimate chance that also does not make one look incredibly dehydrated or like a bipolar head shaving breakdown patient (don't let her play off having cancer chemo or some other fake ailment. It's kinda sleazy and upon being possibly caught would likely start running their sucks about possible deception. Good luck DAK's friend, if you do try to beat it and actually try this please let me know how it goes.