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The Shaming of Addicts

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I am sure by now many of you have seen the picture of the couple who were photographed by a police officer in East Liverpool, Ohio after they had overdosed with their child in the backseat watching this take place.
I really didn't see if this has already been posted. I am just outraged by it.
Pictures out there on the internet coming from every angle.
The fucking cops can stop and take pictures while that woman is turning blue when they should of taken that child out of the car and started
administering help immediately.

The public shaming of this couple is fucking disgusting. I felt sick to my stomach when I saw the story and pictures.
The city claims they posted the pictures as a way to inspire people to seek help. Bullshit and they know it. Sure makes a great story.
Those photos don't help addicts at all.
Was that really their intention to help addicts?  Scare tactics! I feel terrible for that couple and for their child.

I myself rarely used in my car. If only to get well when there wasn't a place to use privately until I could get home.
I cannot imagine having one of my kids in the car and overdosing.

I did take my youngest son with me to pick up dope when I could not find someone to watch him.
He was a toddler and I waited to get home before I used, but just having him in the car while I scored made me really nervous.

I cannot imagine having my picture out there for everyone to see, especially in that situation of an overdose.
Those pictures are not going away and it will only make things worse for every addict.

Administering life saving measures to these parents should of made the news if had to be reported, not photos of them slumped over turning blue.
No one truly cared about saving lives at that moment.

I agree! Those pictures should have never been released to the public. I can understand why they needed to be taken.... Evidence for court, for cps, ect.

I saw the pictures and had the same immediate reaction, it was fucked up to run the pics in a newspaper and on the internet. The people need help, and more importantly the child's safety should be LE and the EMS's number one priority. This made me think about all the times I could have been in the same boat; no kid in the backseat but I have most definitely knocked out in my car before. I would hope that (if I had needed it) someone would have helped me rather than snap some pictures of me slumped over. Some people are fucking awful...

Those pissed me off, to top it off the cops released more photos of them holding the kid and "comforting" him after they just publicly shamed their parents, as to make another story of how wonderful cops are and how horrible all addicts are, made my skin crawl.

I'm so fucking pissed off by this. Those inhuman fucks. "Let me just get my phone out of my pocket, unlock it, load my camera app and take several photos before trying to resuscitate anybody." Christ, her lips are visibly blue. She could be seconds away from irreparable brain damage or worse!
I fucking hate the police.
I can't wait for Trump to take office so the police can abuse our people even more...


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