Core Topics > The Empowerment of Women - Women Only Please

Gay Women Here? Anyone else speak "Vagiterian"?


Hey Everyone!
 Just putting this topic out for the Lesbos that are here(myself included).  Sometimes our questions might need answering by other gay women or BOTH gay and straight. I just don't want us to be left out, or not feel like we can pose an answer to perhaps what some see as only a question for straight women. 

Most gay women (NOT all) have at one time been married to or been in a relationship with men--ugh---so we can look at life through both sides now....oh, that is a Joni Mitchell song---- anyway, you ALL know what I mean.

Same song and dance: "We're here we're queer, get used to it".... or not if you don't want too. lol

love you ALL!
~Q.o.D   probably the oldest lesbian here.   :-*

St. Theresa:
For some reason, maybe drugs?, i didn't know you were a lesbian qod...

Good idea for a stated thread to welcome any lesbian or bi or even trans women into our community :)

I am a married straight woman but I have lesbianic tendencies to be completely honest. No, I'm not the chick who gets drunk and wants to make out in front of dudes.  That's not gay, that's being an attention whore.

I have always ended up with crushes on women in my life and I've just come to believe that it's natural. It's natural to find attractive beauty in your own gender imo. Men have man crushes all the time.

I am glad we have a safe place...Thank you to all who have created this space...excellent topic QoD too ;)

Hey! This is a great idea, thank you QoD.  I remember you from the 'phile and either didn't know or didn't remember that you were gay, either.

I identified as bi until about 3 years ago. I thought I was bi. I recognized my attraction to women when I was about 13/14 but I never truly questioned my feelings about men until well until adulthood and I had mostly been with men and I guess I had just accepted that sexually it would always be underwhelming. Once I finally saw things clearly I felt stupid. It was *never* lacking with women whether it was a onetime thing or a relationship. It was whole and full and real, I actually felt the feelings I had heard about emotionally and sexually whereas with men it was like I was detached and going through the motions. I have been raped & assaulted more than once and I just figured it was something broken in me that didn't allow me to enjoy any type of romantic attachment fully....but naw, I'm just gay as hell!  ;P. I'm happy now too. Although it'd be nice to get out there and date before I hit 35!!  It's hard to meet women.

Anyway, I'm glad to be back. This site used to feel kind of empty to me compared to opio but now there's more going on and I miss some of the connections (friend connection not drug connects lol) I made on opio. I don't plan on disappearing anytime soon like before when I hadn't really warmed up to this place yet. I remember all of you from opio, QoD, St. t and of course Puppy- we spoke when Chem died. RIP


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