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Author Topic: Brain Cells  (Read 1766 times)

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Brain Cells
« on: January 01, 2025, 03:35:50 PM »

Text version:

Please list all the brain's cell types, their roles, structures, and functions both inside and outside of the glia and sort in ascending order of percentage of total volume, but differentiated by their association with myelin, adipocytes and the immune system.

Below is a detailed list of brain cell types, categorized by their roles, structures, functions, and associations with myelin, adipocytes, and the immune system, sorted by their approximate percentage of total brain volume in ascending order:

1. Microglia

Percentage of Volume: ~5-10%

Role: Immune cells of the brain.

Structure: Small, highly branched cells.


Act as the brain’s macrophages (phagocytosis of debris and pathogens).

Regulate inflammation and repair processes.

Synaptic pruning during development and plasticity.


Immune system: Directly involved, derived from hematopoietic lineage.

Myelin: Involved in clearing myelin debris in demyelinating diseases.

Adipocytes: No direct association.

2. Oligodendrocytes

Percentage of Volume: ~20-30%

Role: Myelination of axons in the CNS.

Structure: Small cell body with numerous extensions that wrap axons.


Produce and maintain the myelin sheath for electrical insulation of axons.

Support rapid nerve impulse conduction.


Myelin: Directly responsible for myelin production in the CNS.

Immune system: Vulnerable in autoimmune disorders (e.g., multiple sclerosis).

Adipocytes: Myelin contains lipid-rich components, but no direct adipocyte link.

3. Ependymal Cells

Percentage of Volume: ~10-15%

Role: Line the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord.

Structure: Ciliated epithelial-like cells.


Produce and regulate cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Facilitate the flow of CSF via ciliary motion.


Myelin: No association.

Immune system: Act as a barrier to pathogens in the CSF.

Adipocytes: No association.

4. Astrocytes

Percentage of Volume: ~40-50%

Role: Supportive cells that maintain homeostasis and neuronal health.

Structure: Star-shaped cells with long, branching processes.


Regulate neurotransmitter levels and ion balance.

Contribute to the blood-brain barrier.

Provide metabolic support to neurons.

Participate in repair and scarring processes after injury.


Myelin: Indirectly support myelination by modulating the environment.

Immune system: Produce cytokines and chemokines during inflammation.

Adipocytes: No direct association.

5. Neurons

Percentage of Volume: ~10-20%

Role: Primary signaling cells of the brain.

Structure: Composed of a cell body (soma), dendrites, and an axon.


Generate and propagate electrical signals (action potentials).

Facilitate communication across synapses via neurotransmitters.


Myelin: Axons are myelinated by oligodendrocytes for signal insulation.

Immune system: Targeted by immune responses in neuroinflammatory conditions.

Adipocytes: No direct association.

6. Pericytes

Percentage of Volume: ~1-5%

Role: Support blood-brain barrier integrity.

Structure: Wrap around endothelial cells of capillaries.


Regulate cerebral blood flow.

Contribute to blood-brain barrier maintenance.

Involved in angiogenesis and repair after injury.


Myelin: No association.

Immune system: Regulate immune cell entry into the brain.

Adipocytes: No direct association.

7. Schwann Cells (Peripheral Nervous System)

Percentage of Volume in CNS: Minimal (<1%, mostly peripheral).

Role: Myelination of axons in the PNS.

Structure: Long, flattened cells that wrap around axons.


Provide myelination in the PNS (similar to oligodendrocytes in the CNS).

Facilitate nerve regeneration after injury.


Myelin: Directly produce myelin in the PNS.

Immune system: Interact with immune cells during peripheral nerve injuries.

Adipocytes: No direct association.

8. Endothelial Cells

Percentage of Volume: ~5-10%

Role: Form the blood-brain barrier.

Structure: Flat, tightly bound cells lining blood vessels.


Maintain selective permeability for brain protection.

Regulate nutrient and waste exchange.


Myelin: No direct association.

Immune system: Provide a barrier to immune cells but allow regulated entry.

Adipocytes: No direct association.

9. Adipocytes (Fat Cells in Brain)

Percentage of Volume: Minimal (<1%)

Role: Lipid storage and metabolic support.

Structure: Round cells with a large lipid droplet.


Store energy as lipids.

Provide metabolic substrates for neural activity.


Myelin: Indirectly support myelin production by providing lipid precursors.

Immune system: Produce inflammatory cytokines in obesity.

Adipocytes: Directly associated with lipid metabolism.

Summary Table

This classification provides a comprehensive overview of brain cell types, highlighting their roles, structures, and functional associations with myelin, the immune system, and adipocytes.

Additional and supplied on request

1. Ependymal Cells

Function: Line the ventricles of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord; involved in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) production and circulation.

Location: CNS.

Significance: Regulate the microenvironment and facilitate CSF movement via cilia.

2. Radial Glial Cells

Function: Serve as scaffolding for migrating neurons during development; act as neural stem cells.

Significance: Essential during neurodevelopment, particularly in the formation of cortical layers.

3. NG2 Glia (Polydendrocytes)

Function: Precursor cells that can differentiate into oligodendrocytes and astrocytes; may play roles in synaptic modulation.

Wait, NG2 Glial cells sound like OPCs or Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells so why is that ? Were they even mentioned ?

You're absolutely correct—NG2 glial cells, also known as polydendrocytes, are indeed synonymous with oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs).

✴️ Ed: My favorite cells !

I did mention NG2 glia briefly, but ✳️ let me clarify their identity and expand on their roles to ensure there is no confusion.

NG2 Glial Cells [aka Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells - OPCs]

Why the Different Names?

NG2 glial cells are named after the NG2 proteoglycan (neural/glial antigen 2) they express.

They are also called oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) because they are precursors to oligodendrocytes [Ed: as well as being precursors to Astrocytes], which form myelin sheaths around axons in the central nervous system (CNS).

Key Functions:

1. Myelination:

As progenitor cells, they differentiate into myelinating oligodendrocytes, ensuring proper insulation and signal conduction in neurons.

2. Synaptic Modulation:

NG2 glia form synaptic connections with neurons, suggesting a role in modulating neuronal activity beyond just being progenitors.

3. Plasticity and Repair:

They proliferate in response to injury, contributing to regeneration and repair processes in the CNS.

4. Glial Crosstalk: NG2 cells interact with other glial cells (astrocytes, microglia) during neural development and injury responses.

Distinction from Mature Oligodendrocytes:

- NG2 glia are more dynamic and multipotent compared to mature oligodendrocytes.

- Unlike oligodendrocytes, they can also differentiate into astrocytes under specific conditions, highlighting their plasticity.

Did I Mention OPCs Directly Earlier?

No, I did not explicitly refer to NG2 glial cells as OPCs earlier. That was an oversight, and I appreciate you pointing it out!

Here's how they integrate into the overall context of glial cells:

1. Astrocytes: Support and modulate neuronal activity.

2. Microglia: Immune surveillance and repair.

3. Oligodendrocytes: Myelination of CNS axons.

4. NG2 Glial Cells/OPCs: The progenitors of oligodendrocytes, with additional roles in synaptic modulation and repair.

5. Radial Glia: Developmental scaffolds and neural stem cells.

✴️ NG2/OPC Significance in Neuroscience

Disease Implications: OPC dysfunction or failure to differentiate is implicated in multiple sclerosis (MS), where myelin is degraded and regeneration is impaired.

✳️ Research Hotspot:

The dual role of NG2 glia as progenitors and active participants in neural networks makes them a focus in studies on neuroplasticity and repair.

[... continues:]

Significance: Their ability to proliferate in the adult brain makes them candidates for regeneration and repair.

4. Perineuronal Oligodendrocytes

Function: Maintain and modulate myelination specific to certain neuronal subtypes.

Significance: Fine-tune neuronal signaling and metabolic support.

Specialized Neuronal and Glial Relationships

Tripartite Synapse

Definition: A concept where astrocytes are actively involved in synaptic signaling, alongside pre- and post-synaptic neurons.

Significance: Highlights the interactive role of glia in neuronal communication.


Definition: The release of neurotransmitter-like substances by glial cells (e.g., glutamate, ATP).

Implication: Suggests that glia actively participate in modulating synaptic activity.

Neural Circuit Support Systems

● Pericytes

Function: Regulate blood-brain barrier integrity and cerebral blood flow.

Significance: Bridge the gap between the vascular and nervous systems.

● Microvascular Endothelial Cells

Function: Form the blood-brain barrier in collaboration with astrocytes.

Significance: Prevent toxic substances from entering the brain while allowing nutrient transport.

● Choroid Plexus Cells

Function: Specialized epithelial cells that produce cerebrospinal fluid.

Significance: Play a critical role in maintaining homeostasis and cushioning the CNS.

✴️ Emerging Insights

Glial Scarring (Astrogliosis): A process where reactive astrocytes form a scar in response to CNS injury, which can inhibit axon regeneration but also prevents further damage.

Electrical Coupling via Gap Junctions:

- Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes form syncytia to distribute ions and metabolites across large distances.

What about all the different types of neurons ? Please process them as you did the glial cells.

Certainly! Here’s an organized breakdown of neurons, categorized by their functions, structures, and specific characteristics, similar to the way glial cells were detailed earlier.

1. Functional Classification of Neurons

A. Sensory (Afferent) Neurons

Function: Transmit sensory information from the body to the central nervous system (CNS).

Example: Neurons in the retina (photoreceptors), olfactory neurons.

Special Features: Often have specialized structures like rods and cones in the eyes for detecting specific stimuli (light, sound, touch).

B. Motor (Efferent) Neurons

Function: Send signals from the CNS to muscles or glands to elicit a response.

Example: Alpha motor neurons controlling skeletal muscles.

Special Features: Long axons to reach target muscles or glands.

C. Interneurons

Function: Act as intermediaries between sensory and motor neurons, forming circuits within the CNS.

Example: Found abundantly in the brain and spinal cord, like Purkinje cells.

Special Features: Can be excitatory or inhibitory, often involved in reflex arcs.

2. Structural Classification of Neurons

A. Unipolar Neurons

Structure: One projection from the cell body that divides into two branches (axon and dendrite).

Location: Found in sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system (PNS).

Function: Quick transmission of sensory signals.

B. Bipolar Neurons

Structure: One axon and one dendrite extending from the cell body.

Location: Found in sensory organs (e.g., retina, olfactory epithelium).

Function: Relay signals in specialized sensory pathways.

C. Multipolar Neurons

Structure: One axon and multiple dendrites.

Location: Common in the CNS (e.g., pyramidal cells in the cortex, motor neurons).

Function: Integration of information and initiation of motor outputs.

D. Anaxonic Neurons

Structure: No apparent axon; only dendrites.

Location: Found in the brain and retina.

Function: Integrative roles, especially in local circuits.

3. Neurons by Neurotransmitter Type

A. Excitatory Neurons

Neurotransmitter: Glutamate (primary excitatory neurotransmitter).

Function: Increase the likelihood of firing an action potential in connected neurons.

B. Inhibitory Neurons

Neurotransmitter: GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) or glycine.

Function: Decrease the likelihood of firing an action potential.

Example: Basket cells in the hippocampus.

C. Modulatory Neurons

Neurotransmitters: Dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, acetylcholine.

Function: Modulate broader neuronal activity, affecting mood, arousal, and attention.

4. Neurons by Specific Functions

A. Mirror Neurons

Function: Fire when an action is performed or observed in others.

Location: Premotor cortex and parietal lobe.

Role: Critical for imitation and understanding others' actions.

B. Purkinje Cells

Function: Control motor coordination.

Location: Cerebellum.

Structure: (the most) Elaborately branched dendritic trees.

C. Pyramidal Neurons

Function: Central to cognitive functions and communication within the cortex.

Location: Cerebral cortex (eg. the Hippocampus).

Structure: Triangular-shaped cell body with a single apical dendrite.

D. Granule Cells

Function: Integrate input from various sources.

Location: Cerebellum, hippocampus, olfactory bulb.

Special Note: Among the smallest neurons.

E. Chandelier Cells

Function: Inhibit other neurons by targeting axon initial segments.

Location: Cerebral cortex.

Role: Regulate excitatory outputs precisely.

F. Renshaw Cells

Function: Provide feedback inhibition to motor neurons.

Location: Spinal cord.

Role: Control motor activity.

5. Neurons Based on Firing Patterns

A. Tonic Neurons

Feature: Fire steadily over time.

Role: Maintain consistent signaling, like in posture control.

B. Phasic Neurons

Feature: Fire bursts of action potentials.

Role: Respond to transient stimuli.

C. Pacemaker Neurons

Feature: Generate rhythmic action potentials autonomously.

Role: Control breathing and heartbeat rhythms.

This taxonomy illustrates the incredible diversity of neurons, showcasing how their unique structures and functions underpin the complexity of the nervous system.

Let me know if you'd like to explore any specific type in greater depth!

You omitted the Projecfion Neurons so please continue to listen what else you failed go mention, either in the glia or not.

You're absolutely right—Projection Neurons are a significant class I overlooked in the initial breakdown. Allow me to include them and systematically address other potential omissions in both neurons and glial cells to ensure thorough coverage.

Projection Neurons

Definition: Projection neurons are neurons with long axons that transmit signals over considerable distances within the nervous system, connecting different brain regions or linking the brain to the spinal cord and peripheral targets.


Facilitate communication between different brain areas (e.g., corticospinal neurons in motor pathways).

Transmit sensory or motor information across long distances.


Pyramidal Neurons: Connect the cortex to the spinal cord or other cortical areas.

Thalamocortical Neurons: Relay sensory information from the thalamus to the cortex.

Corticospinal Neurons: Crucial for voluntary motor control.

Other Neuronal Types or Features Potentially Missed

● Relay Neurons

Function: Similar to projection neurons but specifically involved in relaying sensory or motor signals between two regions.

Example: Retinal ganglion cells transmitting visual information to the brain.

Spindle Neurons (Von Economo Neurons)

Function: Fast signal transmission for large-scale neural integration.

Location: Found in the anterior cingulate cortex and frontoinsular cortex.

Significance: Associated with complex behaviors, including social cognition and decision-making.

● Neuroendocrine Neurons

Function: Release hormones into the bloodstream.

Example: Hypothalamic neurons that release oxytocin or vasopressin.

Receptor-Specific Neurons

Function: Defined by their receptor specialization (e.g., AMPA, NMDA, or dopamine D1/D2 receptor types).

Significance: Crucial for pharmacological targeting and neurological disease treatment.


Please let me know if you'd like further elaboration on any of these!
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