I worked my arse off to break-down the secrets of life and if you're smart enough to believe me then I'll make your favorite subject available on request except anything of a nuclear nature - we can't have you running around making bombs or whatever ...
I stand behind every one of my hypothesis and I now truly realise how many bullshit theories are out there.
Note: all conclusions fuelled by HIGHLY NEUROToxic amounts of Methylamphetamine and verified as totally plausible by any AI you choose !
IT'S A SACRIFICE I MADE FOR HUMANITY - But copious amounts on N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Resveratrol and Vitamin C were deployed to offset any permanent damage from the 850 mg (near pure) Meth [50-100% D-Meth] daily average.
With the synaptic prowess of octo-mom, staying awake to keep the synapses connections intact, on a blend of about 30 Supplements, don't sleep for almost-never, I figured this shit out.
If you object, find logic flaws or disbelieve then I'm going to fire my dealers !
Oh yeah, and this research cost me well over $AUD 40,000 ! So, who would you trust ? Someone paid 40K or me, who *paid* 40K ?