The only problem with making magic with high-dose stimulants is that you have to log everything !
EVERYTHING, because when you're back on planet Earth, you'll be able to see the thought processes behind the functioning conclusion.
Like I look at the notes I wrote and I honestly ***can't remember 98%*** of what I did !
So, I fucking seriously advise you to take snapshots, screenprints or better still, log your sequence in Notepad.exe or gedit etc. or for real memory consolidation, write or draw it -- the feedback loop [➡️ brain ⬅️ eye ➡️ paper 🔄 the LOOP back to the brain ⬅️] is to die for !
If I'm learning something then ideally I will simultaneously use a hardcopy to *read* and a softcopy to *search* on terminology and the internet to probe deeper, especially when I REALLY NEED TO KNOW (not remember) and that is via **its etymology and nomenclature**.
Understand the difference between remembering something vs knowing something.
Happy tweaking, may you become productive and demonstrate such.