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Author Topic: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info  (Read 31456 times)

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Re: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info
« Reply #14 from previous page: September 11, 2015, 11:08:33 AM »
Yeah, I did that thing all 'la dee da' mixing that shit thinking I found the loophole.

But.... In reality. Its a fucking horrid idea.

If you're ever forced into a hard nosedive (like me) if the kick dont kill you... You'll sure as motherfucked wish you were.

Worse yet.... You won't fucking wake up, and you'll be someone else's fucking problem.

Its a good time.... Were all out to have one. But that one there. May as well stick a pistol I'm your month with one in the chamber... Spin that fucker, and pull the trigger.

Just looking out for ya man.

Go easy.

Known killer. In a major way.

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Re: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2015, 01:25:41 AM »
thanks for the clarification.

you are probably ok but I thought it best to at least stop you from upping the frequency.

you are taking both short and very long acting benzos.

If I were you then I'd drop the valium chaser and stick with xanax, keeping a script of valium around to taper, should you start getting the jumps.

my own tolerance to benzos never seems to drop but have it only every 6 months only plus I have never felt any withdrawal symptoms.

I did get treated for valium addiction and the clinic brought me down from 65 mg./day to 0, dropping me 5 mg. every 3 days.

Yeah I have my doctor write my benzo scripts for low amounts so that I will run out in 5 days at the most usually 2-3, so dependence isn't a problem. I just like trying to feel something every now and then because I've been on probation the last 2 years and having 16 more months to go it is hard for me to not want to get high so I try to feel something different every now and then.

Colorado passed a law saying people on probation and parole can smoke weed I was stoked but sense I am on methadone I can't smoke. If I fail for weed on my UAs I can't get phases which is what they call getting take-outs at my clinic. I get my first phase the 28th! With that phase I wont have to go on Saturdays which is awesome because Saturdays are always a 30 minute wait and You can only dose between 7-9 so that is a huge bonus. 30 days from the 28th I wont have to go wed. sat. sun. which is phase 2 and is cool because right now I am off work Wednesdays so I can sleep in as late as I want.

I'll have to take one group per month for the next 3 months, Then I wont have to take anymore because they are a mandatory part of getting phases and after phase 3 you don't have to take anymore. I can't wait till I am back on 2 weeks at a time Getting arrested for that bs methadone DUI screwed me in so many ways. The absolute earliest I can get 2 weeks at a time is June 15th 2016. I am looking at getting a job in the mmj field at a dispensary or in a warehouse that grows. It costs $150 to apply for the license and I have to pass the background check to get my license to work in the mmj field. I don't have any charges that would make me ineligible but I still have 3 charges one a drug possession and one dui so they can deny me easily!

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Re: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2015, 12:09:20 PM »
Yeah, I did that thing all 'la dee da' mixing that shit thinking I found the loophole.

But.... In reality. Its a fucking horrid idea.

If you're ever forced into a hard nosedive (like me) if the kick dont kill you... You'll sure as motherfucked wish you were.

Worse yet.... You won't fucking wake up, and you'll be someone else's fucking problem.

Its a good time.... Were all out to have one. But that one there. May as well stick a pistol I'm your month with one in the chamber... Spin that fucker, and pull the trigger.

Just looking out for ya man.

Go easy.

Known killer. In a major way.

PLEASE don't mix the benzo's with your methadone.  I know a ton of people do it, but almost every methadone overdose is due to mixing it with benzo's.  I know you are looking for a peaceful night sleep...I just want you to be careful it isn't a permanent sleep!

And probably every other opp pin on this board
Methadone and benzos just bad
That has got to be at least 50 % of overdoses caused by this combo
I know you said you have narcan
Duo you have someone to give it to you
And because you are using one of the longest acting opp opiate
Narcan is only good guppies thirty minutes.
So you won't be out of the woods
With just one dose because the methadone well keep going
I know people whip thought
They were good
With just  one shot

If you do od get to a hospital asap
« Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 12:11:46 PM by Daughter of Dionysus »
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Re: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2015, 06:37:48 AM »
Xanax and heroin mixed when I tried it produced very profound CNS depression. To the point where I could take only 1 2mg tablet and be super-fucked up, I promise. If I had taken like 3 bars with a nice dose of smack, I might not be here writing this today.

Bad idea mixing benzos with ANY opiate/opioid.

Except high doses of etizolam and poppy seed tea.

Just kidding. Stay safe, kids.

Reminds me of this Key & Peele skit - funny as FUCK!

You have to watch this - "I want all the boys and girls ages 8 to 12 out there to climb up onto the roof right now, and jump off because YOU CAN FLY. You can literally FLY!"
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Re: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2015, 04:30:59 PM »
What is your favorite benzo and methadone combination? I have 75 mgs of valium and 3 mgs of xanax to mix with my methadone in the morning. I usually take 4-5 mg of xanax with my methadone dose in the morning. I was thinking if I used the xanax with my morning dose I would toss in a few valium in with it but don't know how many because I haven't researched the conversion rates of the two the first thing I read was that 40 mg of valium equals 3 mg's of xanax. Obviously everyone is different in how they react to benzos and everything else. Most people nod out on methadone and benzos, or benzos alone, but I get geeked out and an energy rush from it. I have heard that people love taking klonopins with there methadone mainly cause it lasts longer and they don't have to take as much. When I tried this I found that I liked the mix but didn't feel as much of a euphoria or energy boost llke I do with xanax. I have never taken methadone with valium at the same time but I just took 75 mgs 11 hours after taking my 60 mg daily methadone dose.

Mainly what I am trying to decide is what I should use to sleep tonight and what I should use with my morning dose. I only get to take benzos about 5-8 days of the month but my benzo tolerance is very high it has always been. I am also trying to see what peoples favorite combo for methadone and benzos are as I have heard different people prefer different benzos. It is obviously going to be different for everyone but I wanted some input from the board members on their favorites.

I took my narcan class at my clinic this morning and will be getting my intranasal narcan dose that has 4 doses when the pharmacy gets it in Friday. The intranasal one is very expensive but medicaid actually covers it so it was only a dollar. It also comes with 2 or 3 refills so if I end up using it I can get a refill without taking another class or getting another prescription. I hope I dont have to use it but will be more than happy to have the tools and knowledge to save someones life. I am also going to get the injectable intramuscular one too I just have to retake the class so that I have both just because I want both and its free with most classes. Medicaid and most insurances cover it so it will only cost a dollar for me sense I have medicaid and will be very cheap for people with insurance.

 I think everyone should take the class even if they don't use any more, and you should most definitely get it if your using or have friends or know people who are using. If you live in colorado I can give you a few places that give the class and narcan for free as well as pharmacies that will give you the prescription and training for it if you walk in and ask for it. If you have already been trained those pharmacies will just write you the prescription and give it to you on the spot.

Just my opinion. Benzos will fuck you life up hard. And should only be used in extreme cases. The w.d from benzos is literal hell on earth. Not to mention the psychological effects after. And then coming off of benzos and opiates? Fuck me sideways. If you literally think you got the hold on the connect for the foreseeable time being and after, then I guess theres no way talking you out of it. Just playing with fire imo.
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Re: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2015, 11:10:32 PM »
I agree with you and everyone else who posted thank you for the info and the warning it was duly noted. Mixing benzos with methadone is a terrible idea and has been the cause of death in many cases of OD. I only get enough from my doctor to last me 3-4 days each month so that I do not become dependent. I never have noticed any signs of overdose while taking it. I never nod or can't keep my eyes open or anything like that. I usually just get an energy rush and that is it. I have always had a large benzo tolerance but I am careful about it.

The reason I started this thread was to find out more about valium. My doctor decided to give me valium this time instead of xanax when I was asking for something that lasted longer. I was hoping to get changed to klonopin and I had not taken valium in about 6 months and didn't know how the doses compared to xanax. Which is what I have been getting for the last year or so. I had him cut my dose to about a 1/8 of what I was getting because I could not control my intake and didn't want to become dependent again. Luckily when I got arrested I wasn't fully dependent on it and it had been about 4 days sense I had taken my last dose.

I just found out in my narcan class that the biggest reason for overdose is mixing opiates with stimulants be it meth or coke. I had never heard that and figured it would be the opposite sense the uppers would speed up the respiratory system but I guess sense they are working against each other its much harder on the body and is the leading cause of OD in poly drug use. My counselor who was teaching the narcan class said he was surprised to hear that as well I wish I had a source for the information sense I am sure that a lot of people probably have never heard that.

I haven't been able to stop the benzos and it is causing problems. I always want to skip out on work or not do anything when I get my script for the few days it lasts. I am doing fine in terms of only taking a few days a month. I have a few people that sell it to me and a girl who I work with who will give it to me on occasion. But I don't have much money so I don't buy it unless I have extra cash which isn't often and will only take it if they are free. When they run out I do want to take more and takes a few days before the craving of getting more goes away.

I feel like a lot of the problems I have are a result of my benzo use because after taking it I have more drug cravings and get a little depressed. I have known that I want to stop taking it because if I haven't taken any in 2 or 3 weeks I feel normal and my sleep patterns are fine. It is just so easy to goto the doctor and pay $2 to get my script or call it in for a refill for the pharmacy where it only costs me $1. Or ask my friend from work if she will give me some because she gets a lot and doesn't mind giving me 10-20 for free. I am definitely struggling with quitting completely though.

I wish I could just smoke weed and get take-outs from my clinic. I haven't smoked in 2 years because I am on probation but now I can smoke because they just passed a law in may allowing people on parole and probation to smoke in colorado if they have there medical card. However if I do smoke I won't be able to get any take outs and I want to get back to getting 2 weeks at a time which is only 9 months away. I get my first phase Monday which means I only have to come in Monday-Friday this Saturday is the last one that I will have to come in and dose which is great because it always takes 20-30 minutes to dose on Saturdays.

Sense I am prescribed benzos I can take them and still move up in phases and get take-homes. I think that if I could smoke the feeling of wanting to get high or feel something different would go away. It is a state wide regulation that if you fail for THC it counts as a failed UA and you can't receive take-homes.

 Maybe I can start writing my legistlature and post something at the clinic and tell everyone to email or call their senator or local legislator and say that It is a medical prescription and there is no reason that they should not allow you to smoke if it is a prescription from a doctor. They have no right saying that you can't take a medication that is prescribed to you by a doctor.

The clinics would save money because they would have less people coming in and dosing on Saturdays so it would be less time for everyone to wait and less work for the staff. People could be on lower doses because it helps with certain types of pain and other things and maybe they would choose not to use other drugs if it was allowed. Sense those people who smoke know they are going to have a failed UA and can't move up in phases to get take-homes. It wouldn't matter to them if they failed for drugs other than weed so maybe it would curtail use of drugs in that way as well. My counselor disagrees with it and thinks that people should be allowed to smoke especially if it is for medicinal purposes. If you smoke and don't get take outs you're required to do 2 groups and a counseling session each month so if the people who only smoke weed could move up in phases they would be able to save money because they wouldn't have to run as many groups.

What do you guys think? Should I go over the legislation that just passed to allow people on probation and parole to smoke for medical reasons and kind of swap some words around to make it for allowing MMT patients to smoke if its allowed by their doctor as long as said doctor knows they are a MMT patient. Then just add the benefits of allowing those people to smoke on that as well and send it to all the clinics and start a petition and post it up at my clinic so they can just email there local legislature, senator, and the Governor to see if I can't start my own little grass roots movement?

The reason that they are now allowing mmj for people on probation and parole in Colorado is fucked up because it got passed because a pedophile brought it up through the courts until it got to the supreme court and got a bunch of attention and then the lawyer who was helping that chomo wrote up the legislation and it got passed because of that. So if a fucking chomo can cause this much racket and get it passed for us people on parole and probation. Than we MMT patients should be allowed to as well. I am going to make this a new thread of its own and see what other peoples Ideas are so that this thread can be about benzo and methadone use because the warnings everyone put need to be heard. 

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Re: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2018, 09:40:06 PM »
I wish I could just smoke weed and get take-outs from my clinic. I haven't smoked in 2 years because I am on probation but now I can smoke because they just passed a law in may allowing people on parole and probation to smoke in colorado if they have there medical card. However if I do smoke I won't be able to get any take outs and I want to get back to getting 2 weeks at a time which is only 9 months away. I get my first phase Monday which means I only have to come in Monday-Friday this Saturday is the last one that I will have to come in and dose which is great because it always takes 20-30 minutes to dose on Saturdays.

Sense I am prescribed benzos I can take them and still move up in phases and get take-homes. I think that if I could smoke the feeling of wanting to get high or feel something different would go away. It is a state wide regulation that if you fail for THC it counts as a failed UA and you can't receive take-homes.

 Maybe I can start writing my legistlature and post something at the clinic and tell everyone to email or call their senator or local legislator and say that It is a medical prescription and there is no reason that they should not allow you to smoke if it is a prescription from a doctor. They have no right saying that you can't take a medication that is prescribed to you by a doctor.

The clinics would save money because they would have less people coming in and dosing on Saturdays so it would be less time for everyone to wait and less work for the staff. People could be on lower doses because it helps with certain types of pain and other things and maybe they would choose not to use other drugs if it was allowed. Sense those people who smoke know they are going to have a failed UA and can't move up in phases to get take-homes. It wouldn't matter to them if they failed for drugs other than weed so maybe it would curtail use of drugs in that way as well. My counselor disagrees with it and thinks that people should be allowed to smoke especially if it is for medicinal purposes. If you smoke and don't get take outs you're required to do 2 groups and a counseling session each month so if the people who only smoke weed could move up in phases they would be able to save money because they wouldn't have to run as many groups.

What do you guys think? Should I go over the legislation that just passed to allow people on probation and parole to smoke for medical reasons and kind of swap some words around to make it for allowing MMT patients to smoke if its allowed by their doctor as long as said doctor knows they are a MMT patient. Then just add the benefits of allowing those people to smoke on that as well and send it to all the clinics and start a petition and post it up at my clinic so they can just email there local legislature, senator, and the Governor to see if I can't start my own little grass roots movement?

The reason that they are now allowing mmj for people on probation and parole in Colorado is fucked up because it got passed because a pedophile brought it up through the courts until it got to the supreme court and got a bunch of attention and then the lawyer who was helping that chomo wrote up the legislation and it got passed because of that. So if a fucking chomo can cause this much racket and get it passed for us people on parole and probation. Than we MMT patients should be allowed to as well. I am going to make this a new thread of its own and see what other peoples Ideas are so that this thread can be about benzo and methadone use because the warnings everyone put need to be heard.
I know this is an old thread but I want to know if you ever followed thru with trying to get a law passed or just trying to spread info regarding getting take homes if you smoke weed RX'd by a doctor. I mean it's crazy that you can take benzos with 'done which is known to cause OD's but u can't smoke weed which has 0 negative medical interactions with 'done. You can drink alcohol all day on 'done (which can also cause ODs) and still get take homes but smoke a joint and you gotta go to the clinic every single day that they're open.

I thought CO and other states that have legalized it would be different in regards to THC at 'done clinics but it sounds like they're still pretty strict regarding weed at clinics in states where it's been legalized. What's crazy to me is that MS is considered the most backward state in the US but their one and only clinic (at the time I went there. they now have 3 in the state) didn't even test for THC unless you missed 2 or 3 days in a row. If you did that, they gave u like a 12 panel and THC would show up and you'd get in trouble. But if you went everyday, u had nothing to worry about and could smoke weed all day everyday and still get phased up on time.

I also wanted to comment about your statement saying folks that know they're gonna have dirty UAs for THC are also more prone to use other drugs since they know their UA is going to be dirty anyway. That was definitely true for me at my last clinic. I went 7 days a week 'cause I didn't wanna stop smoking bud. And since I wasn't gonna phase up anyway, I'd use H/fent combo whenever I had the money and I'd get fent patches whenever I ran across them.

Had I been able to phase up AND smoke weed, I would've left other opi's alone and just stuck to my 'done, benzo and bud combo. I don't even necessarily "abuse" weed either. I mean I smoke to get high but only at night when the kids have fallen asleep and there's nothing else I have to do for the day except watch TV and chill and go to bed.

It's a crazy system when I can legally take 60 adderall, 120 kpins and 90 gabapentin a month with my 'done (and drink Everclear all day if I want) and phase up. But if I take 2 hits off a bowl of weed that's RX'd by a doctor, I can't phase up and/or lose all the phases I've already earned. Weed helps cravings more than anything else IMO too. Benzos help cravings for dope but that's not the healthiest or least dangerous thing to do when you're on 'done.

We MMT patients really need to start raising hell about 'done clinics even testing for THC when it doesn't have negative interactions with 'done and won't 'cause an OD like benzos or alcohol or any other LEGAL CNS depressants.
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Re: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2018, 02:23:19 AM »
at my last clinic i had an absolutely cool and wise doctor who told me that he really didn't mind much if i used amphets, pot or morphine etc but made it clear that he would come down on me if was stoned on benzos.

i have done crazy things on multiple occasions when using benzos (or Ambien) on top of my dose.

people can OD and/ or die from not so much the initial dose but more by losing memory from the first few, taking more subconsciously (something that i used o do).
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Re: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2018, 10:29:00 PM »
To answer the original question, my favorite 'done/benzo combo would be my daily dose of 'done plus 2mgs of Xanax OR a double dose of 'done on the weekend plus 1mg of kpin. The Xanax gets me to nod like a mofo but don't sleep all day like I do when I take 2-3mg's of kpin with my dose. The 1mg of kpin will make me nod for a few hours and stay nice and high all day but I won't sleep all day if I only take 1mg instead of 2-3mg's. However, I will end up falling asleep for 30-60 minutes at a time a few times throughout the day if I sit down and relax for long enough.

^^Don't try this at home as it's very dangerous and is a leading cause of OD's for people on 'done^^ For some reason, 'done + benzo's seem to be more dangerous than other opiate/opioid + benzo combo's. I do the above on weekends and tell my wife to check on me at least every 30 mins to make sure my breathing is okay even though I'm RX'd kpin and used to the combo. If you're not used to it, please be extremely careful or don't do it at all. I know a family that lost 4 different siblings to the 'done/benzo combo so I know how dangerous it is.
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Re: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info
« Reply #23 on: October 04, 2018, 12:49:29 AM »
Next to Fent and it's analogs, the benzo+dope combo is no doubt a major killer. If you wanna combine (and I certainly couldn't resist), then do so with informed company if you can swing it.

I always enjoyed Xanax because it's onset if fast and it doesn't hang around too long; never got me into any bother either.

I still have scary memories of waking up (after hours) with my face on the table and catheter (yep, I used to improvise) still in, after shooting 'done and Temaz gel caps (had to heat them first - a practise where many a junkie lost limbs to resolidification).

MY wife saved me once when i nodded off and fell on a heater on 'done and Rohypnol ... my jacket even caught alight. if she didn't hear me fall then, well, i'd hate to think how it would've ended.
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Re: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info
« Reply #24 on: October 04, 2018, 07:16:58 AM »
in my 20's i used a lot of benzos but only when i was off opies or couldn't get anything the time i didn't need the anti-anxiety properties.  seemed like i always overdid it.  i remember some of one day...  went to the local cafe for lattes or something.  kept spilling them & got kicked out.  then was bouncing off of parked cars & falling over on my bicycle.  that's why i'm leery of them for my anxiety today, worried about losing control/overdoing it.
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Re: Favorite methadone benzo combo and Narcan Info
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2018, 11:48:21 PM »
U have anybody that'll hold 'em for you and only give u so many a day? If not, what about those time delayed safes?
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