Core Topics > Cocaine

question re: rocking up coke


  do some cuts separate out?  i was slumming around the internet and read a thread asking about determining purity without or before using. one response suggested that rocking it up would tell you something which i took to mean that some cuts would be left behind.  my limited crack experience is mostly hitting it with vitamin c and iv'ing.  got me thinking how i don't recall being disappointed the dozen or so times i've done that.  i have been let down by soft around here though.

  3 weeks without drinking via antabuse has me daydreaming about drugs. 

Hey there! Crack/freebase used to be my doc before opiates became my necessary and only choice. However, IIRC, yes you end up with less but much better quality due to the separation of particular cutting agents. That's as far as my knowledge goes. Perhaps one of the chemistry whizzes around here will see this and give you a technical rundown on why some do and some don't. I just remember how much I hated being patient for, yet being grateful I took the time to cook it or recook it after I got it. I still always smoked it but a noticeable difference nonetheless. Enjoy your daydreams! ~ Lissa


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