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Ketamine now approved by the FDA for depression

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i've looked into ketamine infusions for myself, there's a place in denver that does it.  that's an hour away & I'd need to show up multiple times a week at the beginning which i can't do.  This could be the ticket, thanks for the info.

i mentioned ketamine infusions elsewhere on here.  i recently learned my psych is doing it so i asked him about it today.  he thinks i'm the perfect candidate, bipolar,etc.  cool thing is he does it the less popular way, an im all at once instead of a slow drip.  says it's shown to work better but people can be more shaken by the experience.  day before thanksgiving is my first, will take an hour and a half & need a ride home.  he says former/current addicts are the least likely to find the experience enjoyable.  he's done it over 300 times & said the guy who liked i best was a devout morman who'd never had one intoxicant.  "i loved it", go figure.

i also brought up the fact that i ordered shroom spores to try microdosing.  he was all for it but wants me to wait until after the ket infusions so i can evaluate each separately.  he said it's very effective for ocd (not me, you should see my apartment) less so for depression/anxiety/bipolar but still many report good results.  says .10-.15 gram 4 or 5 times a week is the norm.

i'll definitely keep you guys informed with what i find, i'm super optimistic.

interesting ted talk on one of the studies that helped bring this about.  it's likened to a "vaccine" against the stressors that bring about or exacerbate depression & ptsd.

5 days until i find out what it's all about!

crickets around this place lately... 

 tomorrow 7:30 am which seems a bit early for an out of body experience.  expect a full report.  i'm off work until monday, 5 days, maybe they'll be great for a change.  usually my days off suck worse than work since i'm left alone with myself & negative thoughts.
Post Merged: November 22, 2018, 04:32:48 AMWell, shit.  My laptop just went black, only have a phone now.  I'll get back to this when i can, was interesting to say the least.
Post Merged: November 22, 2018, 11:38:34 PMDoc took my weight to calculate dosage, said something like  .8, thinking thats maybe .8mg/kg.  Said that was a large dose since i'm experienced with these things & wasn't apprehensive about it at all.  Afterward he said next time he'll give me the largest possible dose & i'll for sure experience full ego dissolution/death.  Felt somewhat close this time, was definitely out of my body for a while. 

He had me lie on the couch with a blanket & eyeshades, said not to take them off, if i did the room would be spinning & such.  He played some soft tranc-ey music that went well with the experience.  It lasted about 45 minutes or an hour, was a bit dizzy & unsteady for an hour afterward.  There wasn't any real 'halucinations" like with a real psychadelic, maybe if i'd have opened my eyes.  It felt like a lower dose of shrooms where the "halucinations" are all in the realm of thought, mixed up signals & strange trains of thought.  There wasn't any edginess like with lsd, ket has an overall calming effect.  I enjoyed the experience & am looking forward to the next one. 

I feel good today, nothing earthshattering but he said don't expect to feel amazing, many people are dissapointed that they dont get a big shot of joy like they were expecting.  Shrink said instead pay attention to what you start DOING that you couldn't before - exercise, socializing, working toward goals.  Stuff that should be enjoyable becomes enjoyable again. 

I do feel something of a "lightness" today, like weight off my shoulders and i do really feel like "doing stuff", working on a project or getting out of the apartment.   Glad i did this


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