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Author Topic: Police shot and killed in Dallas  (Read 14019 times)

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Police shot and killed in Dallas
« on: July 08, 2016, 11:40:44 PM »
I'm watching CNN 10 cops shot, 3 dead
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Re: Police shot and killed in Dallas
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2016, 11:52:57 PM »
It was supposedly 2 gunmen with sniper rifles shooting from on top of buildings
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Re: Police shot and killed in Dallas
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2016, 01:13:24 PM »
Dude it was total chaos in the city last night and I wasn't even downtown.  They did arrest two of the suspects in oak cliff  a mile or two from where I was but it was just crazy.  A big chunk of downtown is still completely blocked off today.

I'll just say this:  I don't really like or respect most cops but this was totally fucked up.  Killing more people isn't going to help the situation at all...
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Re: Police shot and killed in Dallas
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2016, 02:11:02 PM »
I understnad what they did, I understand why they did it.

I don't agree with it, but let's be honest, people are frustrated. Cops are killing people, without cause, and it's on camera, and they still walk away without charges. They get a short paid suspension, and then they are right back to work.

This happens far far too often. Then when it's "INVESTIGATED" the cops usually do the investigations themselves, and videos end up missing and no charges end up brought, I believe the words they use are "JUSTIFIED SHOOTING", well, I don't agree with how these guys did it, but I can tell you that to them, this shooting was justified as well.

Peaceful protests are only good for the media, nothing gets done most of the time, the pigs go on being pigs and the public goes on letting it happen. These guys are sick of that, like more of us should be, they don't know how to stop it, so they're shooting cops, just like they shoot us.

If the pigs were held accountable when they kill people in clear murderous acts, then people wouldn't be as pissed off.
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Re: Police shot and killed in Dallas
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2016, 02:52:13 PM »
I get that bro.  Trust me I've been in Dallas almost all of my life and the 5 0 is as violent here as anywhere.  They shot a mentally challenged kid in front of his own house a year or so ago.  I'm sick of this bullshit too, but this incident is gonna have the opposite effect...cops are gonna be riding around with itchy trigger fingers because they *think* their lives are in danger.  This incident just gives them more justification to shoot people "if they feel threatened." 

You should see it around the city today.  Cops rolling around like its a war zone and shit.  The southside is just flooded with cops and quite a few have assault rifles.

It's fuckn ugly man.  I won't be surprised if more citizens are killed by cops here in the next few days.  There was looting in the city last night...I'm surprised the cops didn't kill anyone while that was going on.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2016, 02:55:20 PM by tea time »
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Re: Police shot and killed in Dallas
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2016, 06:36:10 PM »
Killing the cops is going to totally undermine the protest groups aims and it already changed the media conversation. However, its about time these pigs got a taste of their own medicine. They been killing with impunity for too long. Cops dont serve and protect they terrorize, harass, and ruin lives with piddy ass bullshit charges that gice people a black mark for the rest of their life.
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Re: Police shot and killed in Dallas
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2016, 10:17:22 AM »
edit: did not realize how long this is. well hopefully someone reads it.
I understnad what they did, I understand why they did it.

I don't agree with it, but let's be honest, people are frustrated. Cops are killing people, without cause, and it's on camera, and they still walk away without charges. They get a short paid suspension, and then they are right back to work.

This happens far far too often. Then when it's "INVESTIGATED" the cops usually do the investigations themselves, and videos end up missing and no charges end up brought, I believe the words they use are "JUSTIFIED SHOOTING", well, I don't agree with how these guys did it, but I can tell you that to them, this shooting was justified as well.

Peaceful protests are only good for the media, nothing gets done most of the time, the pigs go on being pigs and the public goes on letting it happen. These guys are sick of that, like more of us should be, they don't know how to stop it, so they're shooting cops, just like they shoot us.

If the pigs were held accountable when they kill people in clear murderous acts, then people wouldn't be as pissed off.


The way I see it, there are some cool cops, they are few and far between, but they exist. This dude indicriminately attacked officers without knowing anything about them. Some of them may have been the few, decent cops that exist.

With that said, I will not shed a single tear over this. I don't agree with indiscriminately killing people, in fact, I'm against gun violence (and the types of violence that cause death) in almost all circumstances. HOWEVER, as far as I'm concerned, every single police officer, at least in any jurisdiction that I've had run-ins with the police, is guilty of something severe enough that they should lose their badge and possibly even spend time locked up. Even the good cops, the few less concerned with making an arrest, who understand the criminal justice system is a revolving door system, who let you walk on felony possession if they think you may goto rehab and change your life, even they are still almost as guilty as the cops killing innocent people. The reason being, when it comes to police being in the wrong, good cops and bad all circle the wagons around an officer who broke the law or did something wrong.

I have two examples. When I was 18, just graduated highschool, had not smoked pot in few months minimum,  I was riding with 2 other friends (one who had just bought his car that today, just gothis drivers license) all 3 of us did not currently smoke pot, nor had we in months. We swung by my house to grab beer for a party and the driver had maybe half a can of bud lite (but was under 21) his dumbass broke a traffic law infront of THREE cops, just sitting in an intersecition looking right at us. Got pulled over, i was in the back seat with a blanket over the 30pack of bud lite on the floor. The cop talked to the driver for a few minutes, then his partner walked up to my passenger window, saw me (small town, i had been arrested a year beforehand and was known to the police as one of the only 3 dealers in town (tiny town)

The second the officer recoginized me, his response was instantly "I smell marijuana in the vehicle, we're going to search it." I was drunk, lost my cool, and went on a rant about how it's total bullshit, I haven't smoked since I got arrested and the other two people in the car just flat out didn't smoke pot. I had two glowsticks w/ on/off switches, so when the cop was booking me, he tried his hardest to charge me with possession of drug paraphenlia for the glowsticks (back then, there was legislation that, iirc, failed, that would have labeled glowsticks drug paraphenlia) Anyways, while we were standing around the car, the ass officer asked the cooler officer if he smelled pot, to which his response was "uhhh no but i have a cold so that must be it" (he didn't sound sick AT ALL, the car just didn't smell like weed, since at the time none of us smoked) (in the end , buddy got a .02 violation dui , i got underage possession of alcohol, and our other friend got possession of a concealed weapon for having this like ninja throw star whose blades retracted down/popped into place when pulled out)

Another story, I was arrested for interfering with a police investigation. I'll keep this short and skip the details, but involved an OD and me exercising my right to remain silent without an attorney. chick I was with lied to the cops about which apartment it happened in (50 bags of H and $1k dollars in appt where it happened) when they asked me about it, i told them I've been here once and i moved to this state about 6 months ago, so I don't know if we're at the right place or not, I really dont know (completely honest) Anyways, I got charged with Felony interfering with a police investigation (was 18, only had one past misdeamnor conviction which was expunged/sealed) On the police report, they wrote that both me and that chick supplied them with the wrong apartment number causing them to nearly kick in some innocent old dudes door. The police report, as far as it concerned me, was 100% fabricated.

I've also had the police surround my parked car and do the whole, doors open, officers behind the doors, guns drawn on me and my passenger. I was in an area that wasn't great, lots of H and crack, but my only crime was parking too closely to a fire hydrant. As they surrounded us, I guess we made some sort of movement that they interpreted as us getting a gun (long time ago, dont remember waht it was, prolly tryin to grab registration, as at that point we didn't know 10 cops were about to surround us, we just saw two bicycle cops riding up. ended up getting pulled out of the car thru the windows (while half a dozen cops had guns pointed at my head) because the doors were fucked up. they ran the VIN cause they were so certain my car was stolen, tore the car apart, issued us a ticket for parking to close to fire hydrant, than they left without an apology, or any attempt to clean the disaster mess they turned my car in.

ONE last story. My dads friend has a weekly poker game down here in FL. His neighbor is a retired cop. So, on the weekends, early evening (3-6pm let's say) he'd have a few friends over to play poker, have music playing, cookout, whatnot. The retired cop next door hated it and called the police. By the time the police got there, they had already packed the game up from the backyard and into the house, turned the music down, etc. So my dads friend walked out front to greet the cops, immediately said 'hey sorry to waste you guys time, but we packed our game in, we turned the music down, we're inside the house keeping it quiet and will continue to do so , sorry you had to waste your time" and he turned around to walk back into his house. two cops fired tazors at him when his back was turned and he was walking back inside. They were making bets to see who could get him to piss/shit his pants. So, my dads friend suffered severe nerve damage and has lost the bulk of movement in one of his arms, so he sued the city (and had a lawsuit that was very likely to win)

THE SECOND the lawsuit was filed, police would sit outside his house night and day, pull him over EVERY time he left his house. They harrassed him enough that it would DEFINITELY be considered criminal harrassment. He was a very successfull, well educated person, with an excellent career (not sure what, but I believe he was doing engineering, possibly for Northrup Grumman or NASA) and well, it got so bad that he had to move his entire family (wife/children all in school) out of the county. The intimidation is almost reminiscent of shit the mafia or other organized criminal organizations do. 

Reason that I've brought these stories up, good cop or not, they support the bad cops and obstruct justice. And this isn't JUST a black problem, it is EVERYONES problem. I'm not saying that we should ignore the fact that black people are being disproportionally targetted, but only 30% of the 1152 people killed by police in 2015 were black. Since that is the total and I'm sure a good amount of those are justified, I'm trying to say it isn't just black people who have this issue, it's ALL of us, albeit a black person is much more likely to have this problem.

The night this dallas shooting happened, I rememberered when in Tampa , a cop was killed. The next day, they caught up with the suspect, who was arms. Something like half a dozen to a dozzen officers shot him 85 times. So, I knew the dallas shooter would be killed, but the police sending in an IED on a robot to blow the guy up? Has that been done before? Were they right in doing so? It sounds like he was barricaded in, occasionally exchanging gun fire, but I'd imagine the police were a safe distance back and not directly in harms way. Was blowing this guy neccessary or was it just retribution for the fallen cops?

I'll end my post by reiterating, I don't support violence, especially not murder and ESPECIALLY not in this circumstance, but in my opinion, almost every officer is either guilty of something, or he is guilty of conspiracy (signing off on reports he knows are false. Backing officer stories that the suspect lounged at him when that's not true) The blue wall is something that needs to be bulldozed and a major overhaul of law enforcement in our country is needed.

IMO all it's going to take is for the police to kill the wrong person, at the worng time, and shit is gonna pop off in this country.  Like, for instance, the night of the dallas shooting, the photo police originally circulated as a suspect in the shooting (camo shirt, AR 15 around his back) The news almost immediately found video of him ground level, gun on back, clearly he wasn't the shooter. There is even video of him walking up to a cop and handing his gun over to avoid being considered a suspect. IF that guy handled it differently, there is a very good chance the police would have killed him and since he was innoncent, that would have started some serious shit.
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Re: Police shot and killed in Dallas
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2016, 05:58:02 PM »
More police officers targeted... this time in Baton Rouge...

Three officers dead. Three wounded.

Excerpts from the article, below (the below is not the full article):

Col. Michael Edmonson, superintendent of the Louisiana State Police, said the gunman — Gavin Long, a black man and former Marine from Missouri who had posted videos online seemingly endorsing violence as a way to push back against law enforcement — had been in Baton Rouge for “several days” before the shooting attack. He did not say if Long participated in any protests that erupted after police fatally shot a black man named Alton Sterling earlier this month.

While investigators continue tracing Long’s movements leading up to his first encounter with police at 8:40 a.m. on Sunday, they were also still trying to unpack what motivated the shooting.

“Why did he come to Baton Rouge?” Edmonson said of questions they hope to answer. “Why did he pick Baton Rouge, why did he pick that location right there, and why did he kill police officers?”

Edmonson, speaking on Sunday, had detailed just how quickly the event unfolded, describing an incident that ended in less than 10 minutes. He said police responded to a report of an armed man at about 8:40 a.m., and that four minutes later officers were reported down. Four minutes after that, the gunman was killed, he said.

Long had lived in Kansas City and, according to a document filed with Jackson County, Mo., last year, sought to change his name from Gavin Eugene Long to Cosmo Ausar Setepenra. In this document, filed with the Jackson County Recorder of Deeds and first reported by the Kansas City Star, Long claimed his nationality was “Washitaw.”

According to law enforcement officials, Long was carrying a Washitaw Nation membership card during the shooting on Sunday. Washitaw Nation is a black nationalist movement that was once targeted by the FBI, and federal courts have characterized it in the past as fictional.

The founder’s son told The Washington Post that he didn’t know Long and that the group doesn’t espouse violence.

Long also left behind a social media trail showing that he apparently believed that black people had to physically resist mistreatment from authorities, saying that sometimes it was necessary “to go to war.” After five Dallas police officers were gunned down this month by a man who authorities said was angered by police killings, Long posted a video on YouTube saying that he was “not gonna harp on that … it’s justice.”

A report from SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors extremist behavior online, said that Long’s social media trail showed that “he consistently digested conspiracy theories and sovereign citizen media,” referring to a group that believes the government operates illegally. Officials have warned for years that antigovernment groups pose a threat to law enforcement.

Mark Pitcavage, a senior research fellow at the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, said he first heard of the Washitaw Nation about 20 years ago. The group emerged as an offshoot of the sovereign citizen movement.

“Sovereign citizens rationalize the ability to disobey virtually any law, order, pact, you name it,” he said. “It is one of the extremist movements in the United States that targets police. It believes that law enforcement has no jurisdiction over it whatsoever."
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