Edited to add;
if this would be more suitable in the harm reduction section please feel free to move I noticed someone already posted something about Dr Hart further down the page but wanted to reiterate how essential this sort of information is in dismantling the arguments and junk science used to justify the discrimination and victimisation of drug users and addicts.
http://www.drcarlhart.com/For example;
"Over the past 15 years, I have given thousands of doses of drugs such as crack cocaine and methamphetamine to people.
I do this, with the informed consent of the research participant, as part of my research to understand how drugs affect the brain, behavior and physiology.
Based on my studies and data from other researchers, the effects produced by crack and powder cocaine are
identical; they are also predictable. As the dose is increased, so are the effects.
Methamphetamine, too, produces predictable effects.
the effects produced by methamphetamine are identical to those produced by d-amphetamine – the main compound in the popular Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) treatment medication, Adderall (Kirkpatrick et al., 2012). The notion that methamphetamine users have brain deficits that lead to cognitive impairments is not supported by evidence from research (Hart et al., 2012). "
http://www.drcarlhart.com/this-is-your-brain-on-drug-education/ for more
Anyway, hope someone finds his site and TED talks interesting