General > The Dream Club

Dreamed I got robbed

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My suggestion- we could use this area to discuss actual sleeping dreams. Since so many of our dreams are drug related anyways. Last night I had, not a using dream, but a getting robbed dream.

It took place in the neighbor's house next to the last place we lived. Decidedly in active addiction and not looking to stop during that time, in real life or the dream. So myself, my guest, and the four people who lived in the house were in the dream. We're in the living room and some car drives up. One of the guys in the house tells us to hide. They scatter, dudes are busting at the side door trying to get in. For some reason im at the front door that isn't usually used with my back against it trying to keep it shut. Two guys end up shoving it open into my back, one pistol whips me and i fell to the floor.

Then somehow I'm crawling across the floor to the back stairs to get to the basement. Im hiding in the stairs to the basement, somehow one of the guys who lives in the house had the intruders caught and pillow casings over their heads,leading them out the front door. One of them keeps asking if there's a basement, and talking about what he's gonna do when he finds the bitch that got away. Idk, dreams never make a lot of sense. I woke up already stressed out. Give me a using dream any day, cause unlike some people, I actually get to the part where I shoot up and get high in my dreams sometimes. Dreams like this though, bother me. I don't like to think that I'm using my mental energy being traumatized by stuff in my subconscious.

i rarely dream anymore but have this one from my teenage years... helps to know i'm religious today but was a vitriolic atheist most of my life.  dreampt
 a book was flying around the room over my head.  it was black with gold leaf on the page edges, seemed very ominous to me.  obviously it was the bible but didn't put 2&2 together until later.

i had this one really dream, again in high school.  i was at a drive in theatre in the 50's, everything was black and white.  i had acid & was passing it out.  whenever i'd run back into someone i'd turned on they'd be in full color

Recent theories strongly suggest that dreams are triggered by emotional responses on that day and to encode memory to various depths (number of synaptic connections or relationships).

I read this in a recent "New Scientist" where they tested volunteers and i think that it may be related to the mind's ability to process information whilst asleep, without the external stimuli to distract it; once embedded, the thoughts stop "floating" and become part of your mind (for recall when triggered).

Moe, if you use pot then your dreams will be most likely forgotten but dreaming in COLOUR ? that is amazing ! (could've been the "Acid" link where you thought it was color).

Lady Kalma, that's called a nightmare but getting high in your dreams is very cool, also.

Whenever i try to stop using Meth, i dream about "getting on" and the only cure is ... "getting on" 😋 :P

i've never had good, vivid dreams since high school. i don't sleep well.   i've had intentional psychadelic experiences though

Phenibut is the only HIGHLY VIVID dream causing agent that i have ever known but you have to exclude the coadministration of all other drugs to realize it's full potential.


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