read the whole thing so all i need now is my tweaker accreditation.
anybody interested in the most poweful stimulant invented should have a read.
what did i take away from it ?
the madness and psychologically damaged individuals who cook it and the NEUROTOXICITY that it causes.
i use gabapentinoids,
anti-psychotics, low dose Codeine and alcohol to mitigate the damage. combine those and you have an effective neuroprotectant, IMO.
anybody got a better idea (?) H/Bupe/'done/Diaz/
Alpraz etc. excluded because if you use them then you should afforded some level of protection, IMO.
keep the doses low and spaced apart : to chip with Meth, it
takes a dabbler 10 DAYS for one's neurochemistry to return to baseline.
Opiate chippers need 7-14 days (mileage dependent) between doses but if you are already addicted or use more frequently then fugedaboudit - it's near impossible / too much of a tease - in the end, i couldn't do it, either.
take lots of opi's and you feel great (but can easily die)
<-> take lots of stims and you feel terrible (but very hard to die).
that's from me, not the archive but it's good to know how to be a real chipper - my lifelong pursuit. Ha.
Post Merge: March 02, 2018, 01:08:48 PM