Mind and Body > Neuroscience

Drug <> Danger Matrix

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so what is the recommended roa for butane?  seems pretty harmless.  wtf?

LOL, they inhale it. I used to fuck around with a girl from South Korea in college and she told me that there weren't many drugs over there so they used to inhale butane from lighters. I never knew it was really a problem in other countries too though. Seems like it'd just say inhalants instead of butane.

no shit?  i never heard of that.  kids these days...

yep. that was about 12-14 yrs ago when she told me that so it's interesting to see that it's still going on. I imagine it's only in really strict or really poor countries with no good drugs.

Just my 2 cents and only mine
Does any one find it strange that the drug that you get high on and can harm others is the legal one
Like smoke a joint do some shrooms heroin meth you dont want to hurt any one ya just want to get high. You might do some dumb shit when your in wds and need to get right.
Alcohol on the other hand I know more people who are instant assholes once you add alcohol.
Just like gun sales legal
War where weapons get sold to both side legal
Its like some Buildaberger shit if you can hurt others or take it and its likley you will hurt others shit is legal
mmda makes you wanna love other well your gonna rot in jail for that.
Jus my 2 cents


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