[1] [US] The Use of Buprenorphine on Methamphetamine Cravings and Addiction
[2] >>> The Drug Users Bible <<<
[3] The Drug Users Bible: A Guide to Safe Drug Use
[4] Highly recommended: The Drug Classroom
[5] Lou Reads ep156 – Tales from the Forums of Drugs And Users
[6] Forum Evolution and Current Usage Overview
[7] WARNING: Psychonaught and Tripsit are your best resources on DOSING !
[8] Cocaethylene [Cocaine+Alcohol]
[9] Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetics of Oral Cocaine in Humans
Setting up stem/crack pipe with choreboy (been getting terrible hits)
How does cocaine effect opioids?
pure pharmacuetical cocaine is a different animal than street shit
Cocaine Use Alters Gene Expression in Brain’s Reward Circuit
Supercoke, the brain and the lowdown -- amazing (rare?) technical archives
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